Supporting Just and Sustainable Communities

Our History

The Surdna Foundation was founded in 1917 by John Emory Andrus to pursue a range of philanthropic purposes. To this day, family stewardship of the Foundation is guided by Andrus’ commitment to serving those in need.

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Through our investments, we dismantle the barriers that limit opportunities to create more prosperous, enriching, and sustainable communities. Taken together, our investments build capacity, spark innovation, and connect stakeholders while encouraging lesson-sharing between grantees.

Inclusive Economies

We support and invest in the growth of robust, sustainable economies with diverse businesses owned by people of color and the advancement of equitable economic development.

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Sustainable Environments

We support the creation of just and sustainable communities in which low-wealth and communities of color have the power to self-determine the ownership, control and stewardship of land and its infrastructure assets.

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Thriving Cultures

We invest in artists, culture-bearers, designers, and media-makers of color who partner with their communities to radically imagine justice and foster the conditions for just systems and practices to be adopted.

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Latest News & Events Learn More

Thriving Cultures
July 1, 2024
Announcing the 2024–2026 Just Tech Fellows

The Just Tech program, a Social Science Research Council (SSRC) project supported in part by the Surdna Foundation, named its third cohort of Just Tech Fellows today. These ten visionaries—Todd Whitney, Miliaku Nwabueze, Danielle Wood, Romi…

From the President
June 25, 2024
Don Chen Joins the Center for Effective Philanthropy Board of Directors

The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) announces the election of a new Board Chair — Tony Richardson, president of the George Gund Foundation — as well as the election of three new members to join the Board of Directors: Don Chen,…

Impact Investing
April 10, 2024
Investors and Asset Managers Cannot Afford to Turn Their Backs on Climate Commitments

The Surdna Foundation is proud to sign onto this statement from the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance and other impact investing foundation leaders calling on recent defectors from Climate Action 100+ to recommit to their climate pledges and to their…