Shari Wilson serves as the Vice Chair of the Surdna Board, appointed November of 2023.
Shari consults on public health and environmental issues affecting life in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Previously, she worked in public service for local, state and federal government in the public health and environmental field. Most recently, Shari served as the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Enforcement at the U.S. EPA. Prior, she served as the Secretary of the Maryland Department of the Environment. She led efforts to implement Smart Growth policies and create regulatory programs to encourage the redevelopment of abandoned industrial properties. She chaired the Ozone Transport Commission and Maryland’s Climate Change Commission and served on the Board of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
Currently Shari is on the Board of Directors of Trash Free Maryland and serves as Secretary for the Board of Directors at Andrus. Previously, she was Chair of the Board of Directors for Street Sense Media, an organization dedicated to ending homelessness, in Washington D.C.
Shari has a B.A. degree from the University of Richmond, a J.D. degree from the University of Baltimore and a Masters of Marine Affairs from the University of Virginia.
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