Grants Database
Year Approved
2021 |
NY Renews Education Fund
The purpose of this grant is to provide general program support resources to the NY Renews Education Fund coalition. |
Closed | $225,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Strategic Actions for a Just Economy
The purpose of the grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $225,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
The Redress Movement
The purpose of this grant is general program support to New Movement to Redress Racial Segregation. |
Closed | $150,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
This grant will provide project support to the California Black Freedom Fund. |
Active | $500,000 | 60 months |
2021 |
ReFrame Mentorship
The purpose of this grant is to provide general program support for ReFrame Mentorship and its narrative research, training, and action programs. |
Closed | $250,000 | 9 months |
2021 |
Highlander Research & Education Center, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to support The Southern Power Fund being held by the Highlander Research and Education Center. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center
The purpose of this grant is to provide general program support to The Malcom X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Center. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
The purpose of this grant is project support for Activest to develop a report and campaign to motivate bondholders1 to eliminate exclusionary school discipline practices that result in significant financial risks for school districts, cities and local taxpayers. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Chapin Hall at The University of Chicago
The purpose of this grant is to offer project support to New Opportunities: The Youth Homelessness Prevention Initiative led by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago to use a collaborative, multi-pronged approach by engaging and empowering young people and seeking to identify and address root causes of homelessness |
Closed | $100,000 | 24 months |
2021 |
Community-Centric Fundraising
The purpose of this general program support grant is to develop the capacity of the CCF movement through hiring staff and developing other infrastructure. |
Active | $150,000 | 42 months |
2021 |
Dēmos: A Network for Ideas & Actions
The purpose of the grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $180,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
National Low Income Housing Coalition
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $20,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
The María Fund
The purpose of this grant is project support to the Maria Fund for the ongoing educational justice, equity and organizing efforts being led by the Federación de Maestros en Puerto Rico. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Action St. Louis
The purpose of this grant is general program support for Action St. Louis’ ongoing work of training and developing Black youth organizers and building long-term political power. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Black Futures Lab
The purpose of this grant is for general program support to Black Futures Lab’s work to engage Black voters year-round; their commitment to use their political strength to stop corporate influences from creeping into progressive policies; and their plan to combine technology and traditional organizing methods to reach Black people and develop leadership pipelines. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Center for Popular Democracy
The purpose of this grant is project support to further build out and sustain a national youth agenda on a federal level. |
Closed | $60,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Colectivo Ilé
The purpose of this grant is general progam support to Colectivo Ilé. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability
The purpose of this grant is for general program support for Community Resource Hub to provide ongoing technical assistance and capacity building for organizations across the nation to advance divest/invest strategies and campaigns for the organization. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute
The purpose of this grant is general program support for the Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute to develop youth leaders, strengthen their organizing skills and bolster their contributions to the national racial justice movement |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Equality Labs
The purpose of this grant is general operating support to help develop and strengthen the growing field of digital security and safety for racial and social justice organizations. |
Closed | $60,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children
The purpose of this grant is general operating support to strengthen Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children’s organizational capacity and support their ongoing work in the state of Louisiana to radically transform the youth justice and education systems. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Mass Liberation Fund
The purpose of this grant is for general program support for Mass Liberation Project to continue its work organizing those directly impacted by the justice system. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Movement for Family Power
The purpose of this general program support grant to Movement for Family Power is to build organizational capacity and convene mothers as they lead the field in calling for the abolition of child welfare systems that are harmful to BIPOC families and communities. |
Closed | $70,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
National Youth Employment Coalition, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is for general operating support to lead a national coalition of youth advocacy/policy organizations as they develop a federal economic recovery agenda for youth. |
Closed | $75,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
SouthWest Organizing Project
The purpose of this grant is for general operating support for SouthWest Organizing Project to sustain ongoing youth justice organizing in the Southwest region. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |