Grants Database
Year Approved
2021 |
Greater New Orleans Funders Network
The purpose of this grant is to provide general program support for the Greater New Orleans Funders Network. |
Closed | $115,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Mission Investors Exchange
The purpose of the grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $300,000 | 33 months |
2021 |
U.S. Impact Investing Alliance
To provide general program support to the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance for its vision to place measurable social, economic and environmental impact alongside financial return and risk at the center of every investment decision. |
Closed | $463,945 | 36 months |
2021 |
Didtechnology, Inc.
General operating support. |
Closed | $400,000 | 24 months |
2021 |
Racial Equity Asset Lab
The purpose of this grant is to support The Racial Equity Asset Lab in advancing racial equity in impact investing by (1)driving narrative change (2) creating tools for operationalizing equity (3)building a peer network and community of practice for race lens investing. |
Closed | $400,000 | 26 months |
2021 |
Inclusive Capital Collective
The purpose of the grant is to advance the strategic objectives of the Inclusive Capital Collective (ICC), a growing, national group of over 100 mostly BIPOC operators of loan, debt, and real estate funds, and of entrepreneur support organizations. |
Active | $500,000 | 24 months |
2021 |
Jobs with Justice Education Fund
The purpose of the grant is to support JWJEF’s efforts to build worker power towards a healthy and equitable economic democracy. |
Closed | $1,000,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Just Capital Foundation
The purpose of this grant is to support JUST Capital’s work focusing on racial and economic inequity. We are defining corporate leadership on these issues through narrative, partnerships, research, disclosure, and equity metrics. |
Active | $350,000 | 24 months |
2021 |
Labor Innovations for the 21st Century (LIFT) Fund
The purpose of this grant is to better the conditions of workers in the South while ensuring that workers have a say or voice in their communities and places of work. |
Closed | $600,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Latino Business Action Network
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $190,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Mission Driven Finance
The purpose of this grant is to hire a Chief Legal Officer and make investment strategies for inclusive economies accessible at a community scale. |
Closed | $300,000 | 24 months |
2021 |
National Urban Fellows
The purpose of this grant is to support National Urban Fellows’ general and program operations and the placement of a mid-career BIPOC and/or woman in a 9-month mentorship residency in the Surdna Foundation’s Inclusive Economies program. |
Active | $300,000 | 24 months |
2021 |
One Fair Wage, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to support One Fair Wage’s efforts to conduct policy, industry, and narrative shift activities to educate policymakers and the public about the need to end the subminimum wage for tipped workers and improve wages and working conditions for workers, particularly in the service sector. |
Closed | $450,000 | 24 months |
2021 |
PowerSwitch Action
General operating support for the Partnership for Working Families, a national network of regional advocacy organizations that support innovative solutions to the nation’s economic and environmental problems. |
Closed | $900,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
The Funders Network
General operating support for the Funders’ Network Smart Growth and Livable Cities, a membership organization that inspires, strengthens and expands philanthropic leadership and funding to create more just and sustainable and prosperous regions and communities. |
Closed | $705,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Greater Milwaukee Committee for Community Development
To advance the Greater Milwaukee Committee for Community Development’s efforts to increase wealth, access to capital, revenue growth and opportunities in communities of color by providing the tools, knowledge, and networked ecosystem to support ambitious growth and generational wealth for minority business owners. |
Closed | $430,000 | 32 months |
2021 |
Community LIFT
To build River City Capital’s internal capacity to meet current opportunities and the great challenges of the COVID economy, by fueling Memphis’ small business owners of color with affordable, patient capital. |
Closed | $540,000 | 39 months |
2021 |
Black Farmer Fund
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $300,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $300,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Partnership for Southern Equity
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Active | $800,000 | 40 months |
2021 |
Pie Ranch
The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating support to Pie Ranch. |
Closed | $100,000 | 12 months |
2021 |
Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber Foundation
General program support for Minority Business Accelerators transition to affiliate status. |
Closed | $50,000 | 6 months |
2021 |
60 Decibels
The purpose of this grant is to uncover new insights regarding access to capital by speaking directly with underserved small business owners. We will listen to owners who may not be best served by traditional forms and providers of capital. |
Closed | $100,000 | 39 months |
2021 |
Confluence Philanthropy
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $175,000 | 36 months |
2021 |
Global Impact Investing Network, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $150,000 | 36 months |