Grants Database
Year Approved
2020 |
Funders For Justice
The purpose of this grant is to support the Funders for Justice fellowship program which will serve as a social justice organizing school for 15+ grantmakers across the nation, prioritizing developing the leadership black/brown/native women and trans people in philanthropy. |
Closed | $225,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $450,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
Project South
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $525,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
Clean Energy Group
General operating support. |
Closed | $75,000 | 12 months |
2020 |
Just Transition Fund
The purpose of this grant is general program support to Just Transition Fund (JTF). |
Closed | $150,000 | 24 months |
2020 |
Local Clean Energy Alliance
To support Local Clean Energy Alliance for The Reclaim our Power: Utility Justice Campaign. |
Closed | $200,000 | 24 months |
2020 |
Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is for general operating support and membership dues. $150,000 will go to general operating support, and $45,000 will go to membership dues ($15,000 per year for three years). |
Closed | $195,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
Good Old Lower East Side, Inc.
General operating support. |
Closed | $270,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
North Star Fund
to support North Star Fund’s Community Food Funders program, including the Seeding Power Fellowship program. |
Closed | $150,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
YES! Media
To produce solutions journalism that advances racial justice, create opportunities for emerging journalists of color to report on community solutions, and build our capacity to reach and engage new audiences. |
Closed | $175,000 | 12 months |
2020 |
To support developing the Black Business Development Goals, including convening costs. |
Closed | $75,000 | 12 months |
2020 |
The Greenlining Institute
To support the Greenlining Institute’s Racial Equity Civic Fellowship, which is a full-time detailed staff person housed with the City of Oakland’s Economic Development to advance and implement a racial equity agenda that results in inclusive growth, increased economic security, and reduced racial income disparities. |
Closed | $400,000 | 24 months |
2020 |
MLK50: Justice Through Journalism
To produce a series of stories on poverty, power and public policy, with a focus on workers; develop a monthly newsletter; build a membership program; and switch to a new content management system. |
Closed | $175,000 | 12 months |
2020 |
Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber Foundation
To support a pioneering initiative to connect minority entrepreneurs to tech-based business opportunities and growth industries, while enabling full program sustainability by piloting a new fee-for-service revenue model. |
Active | $400,000 | 24 months |
2020 |
Race Forward
General operating support. |
Closed | $1,725,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
The Movement for Black Lives
General program support to The Movement for Black Lives. |
Closed | $1,000,000 | 12 months |
2020 |
Financial Services Stakeholder Project NFP
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Active | $250,000 | 24 months |
2020 |
To scale Inner City Advisors’ Good Jobs Accelerator which will grow good jobs and wealth building opportunities for under-resourced entrepreneurs. |
Closed | $400,000 | 24 months |
2020 |
National Employment Law Project
General operating support. |
Closed | $750,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
Urban Manufacturing Alliance
General operating support. |
Closed | $225,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
California Youth Connection
The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating support. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2020 |
Resilient Strategies
The purpose of this grant is general program support. |
Closed | $50,000 | 12 months |
2020 |
Communities United
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $270,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice
The purpose of this grant is general operating support. |
Closed | $150,000 | 36 months |
2020 |
Grantmakers for Girls of Color
The purpose of this project support grant is to support the application of a gender equity and intersectional lens in the philanthropic field in order to better resource and meet the needs organizations that support women and girls of color. |
Closed | $150,000 | 36 months |